100% Natural ingredients    |   Sustainably packed   |    Free shipping from $40    

Currently, we are exclusively selling on www.aruhma.ca

After you have successfully placed an order, you will receive a confirmation by email with details about your order.

We do not currently offer tracking of the shipment. However, an email with the shipping confirmation will be sent to you as soon as your order has left our warehouse.
Please allow 3-10 days for standard orders. If you have not received your order within these deadlines, simply write to us by replying to the order confirmation email and we will check your order status.
You can pay on the website by Sofort Überweisung, PayPal, Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Apple Pay.
For quantities up to 50 pieces, we ask you to place the order directly on the website. For quantities over 50 packs, please contact aruhma.flavours@gmail.com
We currently sell and ship exclusively to Canada.
You can cancel your order until you have received the shipping confirmation by email. Until then, simply reply to your order confirmation email.
Please allow 3-10 days for standard orders.
Our spices are packaged and imported to Edmonton from the Indian Himalaya region. We will then send them to you throughout Canada.
All our spice blends are 100% vegan.
Please contact us at aruhma.flavours@gmail.com and describe the problem. We will do our very best to resolve the problem as best and as quickly as possible.
Please contact us at the following email: aruhma.flavours@gmail.com
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